Earthquake is coming!
I don’t mean to sound like a prophet of doom, I was just thinking of the Starks and you know…Winter is coming…get it? Haha! Okay, so that’s a bad one. But I was at ROX’s “Don’t let the big one hit you where it hurts” free earthquake preparedness seminar held at their branch in Bonifacio High Street the other night, and I want to get your attention so I can share with you the things I’ve learned that evening.
First of all, I’m sure you’ve heard of the West Valley Fault and the earthquakes that come every 200-400 years. According to Jom Daclan of UP Mountaineers Search and Rescue and main speaker for the evening, we’re on our 358th year. I know it sounds scary, believe me, when he started showing pictures of previous earthquake aftermaths and clips from videos taken of the same magnitude and intensity in Japan, I wasn’t too sure I wanted to be there because it was quite terrifying to see.
But I realized as we moved on to the topics on what you can do and what to expect, it was necessary to have a visual because when it happens, you need to be able to somehow “predict” the dangers so you can react accordingly.
Knowing is actually a better chance to surviving!
Same intensity for all of Metro Manila
Yup, it doesn’t matter if you’re on the West Valley Fault or away from it. All of Metro Manila will experience the same intensity – meaning, the experience, the shaking and all, that will be the same for all of us in Manila.
Jom differentiated magnitude from intensity and if I understood it correctly, magnitude is the force that will be generated from the ground, while intensity is the experience we have of it(?).
Which led me to ask as I write this on the significance of your location to the West Valley Fault since that’s been discussed over and over in the news and online.
When I checked Rappler, the difference will be on the motion that you will experience. If you’re living near the epicenter, the shaking will be up and down, while those farther away will experience side to side shaking.
West Valley Fault is pretty long. The longer the fault, the stronger the anticipated earthquake will be.
Landslides are expected in hill-y areas and for those living near Manila Bay, those along Roxas Boulevard to Taft avenue, when the big earthquake happens, you have to consider Tsunami, so make sure you know the elevated places to go to like tall buildings and trees.
When a strong earthquake occurs, don’t wait for warning signals. Once the shaking stops, climb to the highest place that you can get yourself on right away.
Jom Daclan says it only takes a few minutes for water to come, running away from it may not be the best way to deal with it.
The earthquake, often in itself, is not the danger
The media’s been pretty helpful in issuing warnings and updates on the earthquake but you can’t avoid misinformation especially if you don’t attend a seminar like this one. You’re going to have fears you shouldn’t have as opposed to the healthy fear that accommodates hope, presence of mind, and practical thinking.
Watching the video clips, I realized that the first thing anyone should look out for are falling objects. At home, I’ll be rearranging the house and interchange the heavy items on top with the light ones at the bottom.
It is also advisable to start bolting furnitures and fixtures on the wall if you can. I’ve asked Jay to ask our landlady if we can bolt ours to the wall. I’m pretty thankful we’re a minimalist family, we don’t have much to bolt, just a couple of lights shelves and a huge cupboard that’s not even ours.
Then there are fires. Fires are common during major earthquakes, so it’s something to look out for. Get a fire extinguisher and know how to use it.
I’ve also started regularly discussing with my kids about getting away from these things if ever they feel shaking and I think they’re pretty much getting it. In fact, wherever we are, I’d stop and ask, “if the earthquake happens right now, are you going to stay here?” And they look around and tell me yes, if there are no trees or huge objects that might fall on them, or no, if there are.
The government’s been doing something
In case you’re not aware, it was the government that commissioned all the studies on the pending earthquake and west valley fault. PHIVOLCS, along with seismologists from Japan, have been studying the possibilities to provide us a more accurate picture of what can happen and so they can figure out what to do to lessen the damage.
The government’s been doing a lot in terms of fixing and securing infrastructures, according to Jom Daclan. I’m not saying the buildings and the bridges aren’t going to fall down because some of them will. I’m no architect or engineer, but the government’s response to the earthquake has got to count for something.
Drop, Cover and Hold and other things…

We’ve been practicing this for some time and I didn’t get what “hold” was for. I only knew about dropping down in a crouching position and protecting your head and neck.
At the seminar, we were told to hold on to anything stable, especially the one we went under at, because a strong earthquake will really move the things from where they’re standing and the one you used for cover might move away from you.
So I had to practice that with my three kids all over again. You see, when you’ve got three kids 9, 6, and 4 years old, it’s good to practice. We do earthquake drills with them in the middle of the day just to make it a habit for them to head under the table and protect themselves.
By the way, Jom Daclan advises not to rely on external walls and stay away from roof extensions and anything that’s not going to hold and may fall on you.

Get those whistles ready!
We were given a list of what to put into our Emergency bags. List includes flashlight, dust mask, a first aid kit, bottled water, a whistle, cash (ATMs might be down), ID’s and documents, road maps, list of emergency contact numbers, snacks, food high in water and calories, extra batteries, personal hygiene supplies, folding knife, pliers, can opener, extra clothes, and comfort items like toys, crayons and writing materials, especially if you have kids.
Don’t forget to add info and instructions in your kids’ bags to help rescuers bring your kids to you.
Count your pets into your supplies! I, for one, wouldn’t want our beloved Max to go hungry.
Click here for a more complete list you can use as guide.
At the seminar, we were advised not to be overwhelmed, just do it an item at a time. We don’t have one here yet, and we plan to make 5. One for me and one for Jay in case we’re not together when it happens, and basic packs for all our three little kids. It’s going to cost, so we’re starting with one for us (adults) and one for the kiddos.
The whistle is very important as you may have to blow on it to signal to rescuers on where to find you. Go for the one without that little ball inside because if you lose that little ball, the whistle won’t work. We plan to let our kids carry whistles with them all the time as Jom Daclan does and to teach them how to give three blasts in cases of emergencies.
Stay put where you are
Wherever you are, it’s important to find a safe place to drop, cover, and hold nearest where you are. The magnitude we’re expecting is pretty strong, 7.2, with level VII intensity, so it will be risky for you to try to run somewhere else during the shaking.
A survivor of the Bagiuo killer quake was at the seminar and she shared that they tried to run down the stairs to get out but the hand rails they were trying to hold on to were getting pried off the walls and they could barely keep their balance.
She also seconded Jom’s advice to have a disaster plan with your kids so it will be easier for you to find them and for them to find you if you’re not together. She was very young back then and their family wasn’t prepared for it, so it took a while for their parents to get to her and her siblings.
Going back to staying where you are, you go out and head for the most open space you can go to after the shaking stops and stay out for at least 72 hours. Aftershocks are 1 magnitude lower and six is still pretty strong.
If you’re outside, go for the most open space you will find.
If you’re at the theater, crouch in place and protect your head and your neck.
If you have anyone in wheelchair with you, lock his wheels and help him to crouch in his chair and cover his head and neck.
Learn basic first aid. Your first aid kit will do you no good if you don’t know how to use it.
And if there’s another earthquake seminar near you, I suggest you go and attend it as it will really help teach you what to do to prepare and how to respond when it happens.
I’m really thankful that R.O.X. and the organizers of this event made the initiative to offer this. This event wasn’t for bloggers. It was announced on social media, open to anyone and everyone who want to learn how to prepare. I’m really glad I sent in an email and reserved a slot. Even Jay was able to catch the latter part of the seminar.
We’re on West Valley Fault, are you?
At least our subdivision is. We missed the radius by a few feet and it’s enough to make me paranoid. One evening, I fell asleep on the couch and I woke up to a loud bang from the kids’ playroom. I immediately rose and ran to the kids. Believe me, I know what scared means.
Heeding the wisdom of Jom Daclan, and two other disaster experts I’ve interviewed for a separate article I’ve written for an online parenting magazine, I’m going to try to connect to the village association to ask how we can work together to prepare for whatever disaster.
I also plan to approach our kids’ MAPEH school directors and try to help out in educating our kids.
I understand that there are things we cannot control, we can only do our best to prepare. And we can pray.
Philippians 4:7 says, “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
I strongly believe that if we focus on God’s Word and pray constantly, we can find peace despite news of impending disasters.
(Read: Earthquake alert:Preparing your little one for the Big One on Smart Parenting)
Thank you to Melo of R.O.X. for giving me a slot in the seminar and to the rest of the team who helped put it together.
nicole p.
Definitely bookmarking your article dear! I have to show this to my pichi and get ourselves prepared for the upcoming unknown… Thanks! 🙂
Rowena Wendy Lei
How scary! I hope it doesn’t happen.
May De Jesus-Palacpac
According to Jom Daclan, it’s no longer a matter of if but a when, hence, the preparation. The more we prepare, the less damage we’ll experience because we know how to respond.
Carlo Valenzona
Thanks for sharing this. More than anything. It is very important to prepare.
Mabuhay ang educators ng DRR.
Pam / Hey, Miss Adventures!
I was really skeptical about those article links coming up on Facebook about the West Valley Fault because – who really knows when earthquakes come? Then again, I realized now that there’s nothing to lose when you’re prepared, right? We should probably also teach our 2yo what to do just in case things like these happen (especially since we are away during the morning for work and only the yaya is around).
May De Jesus-Palacpac
Yes nakakatakot. And there are no technology yet to forecast when earthquakes will happen. In Japan, they are able to warn people through text 1 minute before earthquake strikes. The thing is, Nepal has less than anticipated fatalities, and the search and rescue operations are going smoothly because the people had been prepared beforehand.
Rose Angelie
Reading this takes me back to the big quake in Cebu which damaged old churches and buildings. It was really scary and I remember I almost panicked for my kids. I’m glad to read all the practical tips here. Will save this for reference.
May De Jesus-Palacpac
That is actually my hope. That this particular blog will be helpful in teaching people about how to prepare.
Being prepared is really a necessity. We don’t have emergency bags yet either. Planning to prepare them soon too.
Franc Ramon
I was in Baguio when the killer quake occurred in 1990 and I can say this preparedness drills can really save lives. It’s also important to be extra cautious even after the quake as aftershocks can also be lethal.
May De Jesus-Palacpac
It’s good to know at least 2 survivors.
Will look at doing the same drill with my kiddos. Thanks for sharing.
It is really important that we know what to do before it strikes. I mean, I get annoyed at how others say “di pa naman pala sigurado magkakaron ng earthquake in the next weeks” na para bang hindi possible mangyari anytime. This is why when it strikes, people just panic and unfortunately, some dies because they lack knowledge of how to deal in this kind of situation.
May De Jesus-Palacpac
haha, ay naku, some people act as if saying it is going to cause it to happen. others naman, they don’t want to talk about it because they don’t want it to happen.
But it’s not a matter of whether it will or will not happen. Of course, since there’s no technology that would predict earthquakes (other than Japan’s one minute advisory), but you have better chances of remembering what to do when it does happen if you start planning it now.
You really get me on this one, i am like , what’s the date? where is it? , but over all this is a very informative post and a must read for all, will send this to my wife
May De Jesus-Palacpac
Haha,yeah, that’s the goal. To urge and to help others to prepare. It may or may not happen in our lifetime, but you’ve got nothing to lose when you prepare.
I am scared of earthquake. I experienced it once when I was still studying. I don’t want my child to experience it.
May De Jesus-Palacpac
I feel the same way. We’re on West Valley Fault and I’ve had restless nights because of this.
We just had an earthquake and fire drill in the school recently. I hope we’re really prepared with this.
May De Jesus-Palacpac
No one can really be perfectly prepared, but it does help to be armed with a bit of knowledge so we can try to respond in the best way. 🙂
Earthquake came here awhile ago and this post is just right on time. Need this as my reference as I need to inform our kids and househelp about the dos and don’ts during earthquakes.
And aside from preparation, tama ka mommy May, prayers of course, trusting God for God good and merciful.
May De Jesus-Palacpac
Thank you! 🙂
You’re not a prophet of doom but an angel sent to help! Haha. 🙂 We don’t really have any earthquake drills at school or in the community so this is a big help. Thanks for these tips, definitely keeping this bookmarked.
May De Jesus-Palacpac
Thanks Melissa! 🙂
Our village is far from the West Valley fault but that doesn’t make me complacent. We don’t have that sort of preparation here at home but my kids in their school are doing earthquake drills already. Nakakatakot kasi we won’t know when it will happen.
May De Jesus-Palacpac
Yeah, there’s no technology for it yet. The best there is daw is Japan’s text messaging service that sends SMS to everyone a minute before it strikes, so you’ll have a chance to go for cover. 🙂
As I’ve written, Jom Daclan says there’s no difference whether we’re on West Valley or not, the intensity will be the same wherever you are in Manila. The only difference is the type of movement.
Nilyn Matugas
I pray for the safety of everyone. Now that summer’s over, earthquakes and typhoons naman ang haharapin natin.
Peachy @ The Peach Kitchen
I hope the Earthquake never happens but we should be prepared.
It is easy to talk about when it has not happened, but we all know that the panic really will set in when the actual earthquake strikes. Even a mild quake can already cause panic for some people when their high rise starts to sway.
May De Jesus-Palacpac
That’s true. But it’s better to know even a little bit about how to protect yourself than not. According to Jom Daclan, the government of Nepal did not have too much difficulty picking up the pieces after the recent earthquake and the fatality rate was lower than estimated because they were prepared. Plus, I think that knowing something as simple as don’t run down the stairs while it’s shaking may save someone’s life.
jojo vito
I’m happy for this effort…we just hope and pray that earthquake won’t happen…
May De Jesus-Palacpac
There is nothing impossible with God, that’s why we pray that God will show mercy on our nation and spare us of the earthquake. 🙂 However, at the findings of the research and studies, it is bound to happen between now until the 400th year. As Jom Daclan said, we’re on our 358th year, and that “it’s no longer a matter of whether it will happen or not, because it’s bound to happen.”
Preparing is good and benefits us, whether it happens or not.
Mamanee San Luis
It’s always to be safe than sorry, and I love how you have started to prepare your family. I learned a lot from this article! 🙂
jared's mum
it really is a must to be knowledgeable about disaster preparedness and we ought to teach the kids, too. valuable info about staying safe during earthquakes is also something we all must learn, especially for those who live within the fault line.
Mommy Anna
We have to be prepare at all times in case this one happens my place is included in the West Valley point that is why as much as possible I gather all the info and updates. Thanks for sharing some tips
Joan Clare Cambil
Hearing the news makes me really scared. Hence, it is best that we are prepared. Thanks for sharing this. 🙂
Ma Rozelle Ragiles-Vendil
This is a very helpful post! I will be sharing this with my loved ones so they can prepare as well. Thanks mommy!
May De Jesus-Palacpac
Thanks Rozelle! Yes, please share away. It’s good to spread the word about preparedness.
Que Sullano - Gavan
And imagine, we are on the 20th floor!
Well, there is nothing impossible with God so we are holding on to it. But, yes, we have to do the drill also!
May De Jesus-Palacpac
You know, like Jom Daclan said, the government has been working hard to prep for this and I’m assuming that it also goes for the approval of building plans and all. in a link I found via Rappler, it says houses built 1992 forward have best chances of strong foundations and construction. I think it goes for buildings as well. Developers and architects know these things.
We have to prepare our emergency kits. I haven’t discussed earthquakes and emergency situations to my son. I’ll find a book or look for a video to help me discuss these urgent topics to him. Salamat, sis for this post.
Great guide! As for myself, I became part of a rescue team so I can prepare myself better. I hope more moms will read this post so they can be the rescuer of their homes.
for me this post is so important, especially that in the Philippines there are a lot of cities that are on the fault lines.. Very important post
Rhoda Fajardo
This post scared me, but at the same time full of vital measures and actions if we find ourselves in an earthquake situation.
We have a lot of tall cabinets at home that’s fixed on the wall. But there are also others that aren’t. We survived Ondoy (I’m from Provident) and I hope we don’t have to experience an earthquake too.
I’m paranoid now, but its a good kind of paranoia coz now I know how to prepare and protect my family from earthquakes.
May De Jesus-Palacpac
I’m sorry, Rhoda, I did not intend to scare anyone. I tried hard to keep this post as objective as possible, but there’s just no going around the facts. Unless people understand the urgency, we may not even consider preparing for it. Remember Tacloban? But yeah, I think we all pray that God finds mercy on us and spare us.
I’m sorry about your Ondoy experience. I’m glad that you survived it.
Wow, I am glad they have drills or awareness like this. Sana, Paranaque will do the same, too. I wrote down all important things na we need to do in case, God-forbid, magka Earthquake!
Roxi Santiago
For me, it’s not really the earthquake that scares me, but what could happen afterwards. My biggest fear, a tsunami. We’re right by a river, I don’t know if it’ll reach here should one come from Manila Bay. But it scares the crap out of me every time I think about it. As in, it gives me an anxiety attack. One thing I’ve learned to do though, is just pray, pray, pray. It helps calm me down and remember that God is there for us.
May De Jesus-Palacpac
You know, one of the things that I’ve learned from the workshop was really to fight our fear and have the presence of mind. People usually get themselves hurt because they let fear cripple them. I understand your anxiety. The entire water supply of BGC is right here in our village, and under our street so that’s a cause of concern for people living here too.
Shalene Rivera
I’m now preparing my kids’ emergency bags. I hope the ‘Big One’ won’t happen now or in the near future. :s
I’m trying to find a shop which sells whistle which I can have my kids to wear when they are in school. Your post reminds me to work on it already.