Feedback from a newbie at the Philippine Homeschool Conference 2017
I was not able to join the Philippine Homeschool Conference 2017 because I had to prioritize my son’s schedule that day. I’m really at fault here. I badly need to learn how to use planners and all that organizing stuff so I won’t double-book myself, haha!
Anyway, I decided to interview one of my friends who attended. Her name is Glaiza Macapallag and she and her husband are contemplating on homeschooling their two older children. Their third is still a baby but she may be homeschooling him, too, eventually.

Here are her answers to my questions. The exchange is simple and she offered short answers, but I hope it will give an insight to those who were not able to join the come, especially those who have not made up their minds yet about it.
Q & A with Glaiza Macapallag
What made you decide to attend the Philippine Homeschool Conference this year?
Is this your first time? How was your experience?
What were the sessions you attended? What resonated with you the most?
We want to Homeschool! Now What? by Ms Michelle Padrelanan and The Working Homeschool Mom by Ms. Denise Pena
Can you give me at least 3 messages/principles/insights on homeschooling that struck you the most?
“Parents are the best Teacher, no one will love our children more than us, parents.”
“Our trophy is our children. we will see the fruit of our hard work, lets have a vission of who will become our children.”
Do you have any questions that you want answered after attending the conference? Can you tell me some of them?
Now I understand and was able to picture the homeschool thing in my head. I need to learn more and prepare.
Special thanks!
The Philippine Homeschool Conference happens annually, usually during the “-ber” months. It is being organized by a group of passionate homeschooling parents who want to reach out and help other families in pursuing quality home education for our children.
Special thanks to Tina Santiago-Rodriguez and to the rest of the #PHC2017 team. You have done an amazing job, as always.
For updates about future conferences, please stay tuned to Educating for Life, the Conference organizer, via their website