Christmas Traditions: Happy Birthday Jesus party
I always look forward to the Christmas season because December is the only month we get to really spend time together as a family. All throughout the year, we always find ourselves swamped with so many activities, that even when we do find time to watch movies together or eat out, it’s almost always as if we’re in a rush. Time is never enough.
Jay and I agreed to lessen our commitments on December so we can really spend undivided time with the kids and use the time to worship Jesus together. However, we do consider joining a few parties to celebrate the season with people we love.
For instance, every year, we get invited to join the Happy Birthday Jesus party with the peers at the Luceros. This year was its 10th year anniversary.
Fit for all
Happy Birthday Jesus parties with the peers are usually conveniently held at the Lucero’s house where there’s a big space in front that can fit all of us.
Just so you know, the peers are a group of women whom Phoebe grew up with. They’ve been friends since they were toddlers. I started hanging out with the peers when I was in my 20’s and became an honorary “peer,” hehe. I’ve known them for more than a decade.
Since the Happy Birthday Jesus party is primarily intended to teach the children about the true meaning of Christmas, Phoebe prepared activities for the kids.
It started with storytelling and discussion about Jesus and what Christmas is all about. I love how the kids gave her their full attention!
Special numbers!
Because it was the event’s 10th Year Anniversary, the families were asked to prepare a special number each. Three families were able to do so.
We were sick since first week of December and all we could prepare was a simple song – Have yourself a merry little Christmas, with Pablo and Lukas, and Jay backing them up on the piano. Judah joined in the chorus but coughed for most of it.
On a side note, we almost didn’t make it that evening. Judah had been sick for days and we were taking him to see a pediatrician. But they were looking forward to the party already and we just didn’t have the heart to break theirs, so off we went, cough, fever and all.

It was a very imperfect number, but one full of heart. Friends cheered for them and applauded them inspite of, and in a way, it gave us a warm sense of home.
The Luceros and the cousins from the Payags performed dance numbers, and one of the kids, Dagny, played Cello.

Jesus is the Reason
My favorite part of the “program” is the dance one. The Luceros, who are all natural dancers, invited everyone to dance to “Jesus is the reason” with them. They taught the steps and all the kids followed.
Some of the adults danced with them, as well.
Here’s the video for you to see how much fun it was:
There was a lot of squeals and peals of laughter that evening. There were games and raffles and food carts of cotton candy, hotdogs, fish balls, french fries and Ice cream. What a night of such unhealthy menu, hahaha!
Did you see my eldest son, Pablo, dance in the video? That’s sugar in action!
To be fair, there was spaghetti, but everyone, adults included, kept going back to the food carts, haha.
(READ: Christmas Traditions – The Festival of Lights)
Here’s a short video of the kids singing Happy Birthday to Jesus:
Our kids always enjoy these Happy Birthday Jesus parties with their young peers. We had a nice time catching up with our long time friends, too, although we missed some who had to attend to urgent personal matters and were not able to make it that evening.

Special thank you to our friends, Pastor King and Phoebe. For always including our family in your Christmases. We appreciate you. May God continue to bless you as you continue to teach others about Christ and his unconditional love for his people.
To Mayumi, Donna, Cheng, Bev, and Lala — Merry Christmas to you and your families, peers. Thank you for all the years of love, understanding and patience. We love you. Here’s to a blessed season and a lifetime of opportunities ahead for all of us!
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” Isaiah 9:6.
This is a such a wonderful and special way to really feel and learn about the true reason for all these revelries. Sometimes we get to entangled with gift buying and commercialism, we lose track of things that really matters. Its good you have this group.
How fun! We didn’t attend any Christmas party this year. We usually have a barkada get-together during Christmas season but we had to forego with our plans this year because two of us had loved ones who were recently diagnosed with serious illnesses. This is probably the simplest, most “chill” Christmas we’ve ever had. The funny thing is, I actually like it this way. Haha!
May De Jesus-Palacpac
I actually prefer a chill Christmas celebration. But this is the 10th anniversary, after all. 🙂 And the kids love seeing their friends.