My One Word for 2021: Reconnect
I’ve been trying to come up with my first blog for a few days now, but nothing substantial would come to mind. If you know me by now, you know I am intentional in most everything I do, so I ditched my initial efforts until my mind was clear on where I want to go with this.
I’ve seen the usual One Word for the Year posts so I thought I’d go with that. It’s not something I usually do but any year is as good as any to start over. Now, to come up with my One Word, I had to go with a biblical Truth:
“For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ” Galatians 1:10.

Last year turned out to be as toxic, or even more, than the last. And I have to admit that I’ve made a lot of decisions without much (or none at all) wisdom and discernment.
I realised that although my intentions were good, there were things I took upon myself that didn’t quite go well with our priorities as a family. As a wife and mother, my primary ministry will always be husband and my children. When we go ahead of God with our plans, we tend to make a mess of things and lose ourselves in them.
So this year, I decided that if there’s anything I want to prioritise, it’s spending time praying and seeking God’s wisdom in all that I do.
First thing I did was dig up my Archaeological Study Bible which I bought a few years back but didn’t read through so much because I decided to use another Bible, the one customised for homeschooling moms.
The Archaeological Bible includes histories, descriptions and explanation on the different locations found in the Bible, as well, as on the cultures of the time, which I think would help me better understand the context of each book that I’m reading.
I also think that opening the new year is the best time to read a book called “Embracing Obscurity – Becoming nothing in light of God’s everything” by a Christian author who decided to remain anonymous. It was given to me by a young friend years ago but I didn’t quite get to reading it.
It’s a book on identifying different ways pride creep into our character. I’m still on the 4th chapter, but so far, so sobering, haha!
Plans in a man’s heart
As for personal plans, well, I started the year with ideas – such as make Music, do Art studies, read at least 5 books this year, write more, work with my kids on their ALS requirements, take more time offline, revive this blog, and all that, but my biggest faith goal this year is to reconnect with Jesus and be on a more personal level with him.
It’s one thing to be able to speak Christian-ese, anyone can do that, but it’s another to live it. I feel I’ve been doing the former for a while now and I can’t keep at it much longer.
Becoming Mary
The story of Martha and Mary comes to mind. Martha, at one point, was rebuked by Jesus, but He also loved her. She was a woman of great faith whose calling and design was to be of service, so service she did. So I have nothing against the Marthas of this world. I believe they have a noble calling.
However, I’m in a season in my life that I need to be Mary and just be at Jesus’ feet. So that’s where I’m going to be at the beginning of this year.
So yes, my one word this year is RECONNECT.
Whether or not I succeed in following through on Galatians 1:10 have yet to be seen. Echoing what my friend and confidante, Michelle Remulla, said to me, “I fail God everyday and only in Jesus’ finished work will I can be in God’s presence.”
Happy New Year to you, Wives and Moms! I hope that you start your New Year reconnecting with Jesus and in fervent hope that 2021 will be a year of God’s breakthroughs in your lives. See you around!
“And to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you, so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one” 1 Thessalonians 4:11.

I actually think that since last year ano, we have been trying to reconnect talaga with a lot of things and most importantly, ourselves. self love ika nga.. aside from reconnecting with Him, at talaga namang pinatunayan niya how He has been sovereign.. eh masaya ako na nakapagreconnect ako sa sarili ko kahit papano.
I like your one focus word for this year. I think it’s one of the things the pandemic taught us… to reconnect more with others and also most especially, reconnect with ourselves. Happy New Year, May! God bless always ♥️
Blair Villanueva
You’ve chosen a beautiful ‘word of the year’ and yes, RECONNEct is important. Don’t forget that though the year 2020 is such a tough year, you did well enough to welcome 2021.
Enjoy this year!
clang clang
“Reconnecting with Jesus”dahil dito naalala ko lang yung faith goal ng mama ko this 2021, na magkaroon kami ng family devotion once a week. And by God’s grace nakapag-umpisa na kami this week. 🙂
This is really important nowadays. Focusing on RECONNECT could bring much contentment in our mind and heart.
We both have the same goals for this year, reconnecting with what really matters. Last year was a very challenging year for everybody and it was also a mind opening. Material things in life actually does good but does not provide real happiness, joy and peace…
Owen ponce
Oh I love this …it really matters a lot