Introducing my Love Series for the first quarter of 2022!
I recently launched my first quarter paintings on mugs, bags and throw pillow cases. I’ve decided to only roll out products for my humble little online biz, Mangkukulayph, every quarter, because I don’t want to get burned out from the pressure of it all. It is a passion project, after all, and my passion is really in growing in the arts, and if I’ll get too consumed with coming out with paintings for the business often, I might end up not loving painting at all.
It took me a while to decide what to paint. I realised that it would be difficult to ignore the love month. Not that I hate Valentine’s or whatever, it’s just that I think we focus too much on romance and not so much on other types of love.

So I decided to create two series of paintings, one that talks about romance and the cutesies, inspired by a childhood favourite, Precious Moments, and Real Love, which depicts different types of love that I think we must also celebrate, such as a mother’s love or on the flip side, the child’s love for his mother, love and loyalty from our pets, and love between brothers.

I did touch on romance in this series, but I wanted to paint something that leans more on forever because I’m still a romantic by heart. I still believe that when we marry someone, no matter how difficult the circumstances, we must see each other on the road to forever.
Marriage, in its realest sense, must be forever love.
I’m not talking about emotions, emotions can fool you. The heart is deceitful above all things – so if I listen to it all the time, I’d probably have run away a long time ago. It’s the Word of God that keeps me grounded, no matter how fickle I become.

Real Love Series
I have to admit, the title “Real Love” isn’t exactly politically accurate, but I’m bad with titles, ask my Editor, haha! I just couldn’t come up with any other title for this, so please excuse of lack of knack for this one.
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I first decided to only have these printed in mugs, but someone inquired for one of my Real Love paintings for my tote, so totes are coming up!
I thought of adding some of my favourite biblical quotes on love for both series because I still believe that the greatest and strongest foundation of any love is still the Word of God. It might surprise some that romance is also God’s design for man! There’re lots on it in the Bible, if you read it.
Baby Love Art Series
It took me about 3 weeks to come up with my Baby Love series because I found it challenging to come up with my own whimsical, cutesy characters, but once I had one down, it was a lot of fun to create four more cutesy couples.
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My husband’s favourite of them is “Stars,” which I think is a common opinion as it was the first one that got sold. It also carries with it my favourite verse on love that goes, “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.Love never ends” from 1 Corinthians 13:7-8, which is what I hold on to when relationships get too complex, and my tendency is to walk out. It gives me hope, it calms me and it prods me hold on for one more day.
You can purchase my Baby Love and Real Love Art Series on Shopee here: or on Facebook here:

Lalaine April Pearcy
wow, did you paint it yourself? how I really wish I could paint and draw, many opportunities pag may taelent ka sa art…
Blair Villanueva
Your designs are so gorgeous! You are very creative and talented. Have you considered turning your art into an NFT?
Christian Foremosr
Want to have a business like this soon! I dont have the talent in design that you do though! I like this batch of designs! Amazing!
i especially love the mother and son photo! and so cute yung baby love series! i remember coco and his bff! XD
dorry lyn
You’re so artistic. How I wish may talent din akong ganito. I love that “Stars” too, plus points ang Bible verse..
awww these are cute!!! and congratulations on your online business where you can showcase your art. great idea. i wish for more orders for you.