Food & Easy Recipes
Homecooked meals and blogs about recipes that you can easily recreate for your family.
Easy Recipes: No Knead Artisan Bread
I love baking! It helps me relax and take my mind off the stressful and sometimes, dreary stuff that goes on in my head sometimes. I think I mentioned once that I even…
Easy Recipes: Homemade Ice Cream with Iced Gem Biscuits
What a beautiful Sunday! Not too humid, if I may say so. The past few days had been unbearably hot that it’s been very difficult to stay away from sodas and Ice Cream.…
Easy Recipes: Rea’s Burgers featuring Sarsaya Oyster sauce
I was not able to attend the recent launch of Ajinomoto’s Sarsaya Oyster sauce a couple of weeks ago, but I was lucky enough to still receive a sample of it, along with…
Easy Recipes: Creamy Chicken & Mushroom dish with corn on the side
We call this recipe Chicken a la Chy after my friend, Phoebe a.k.a “Chy” to her childhood friends, who introduced the dish to us. But in the cook book Cherished Traditions that was…
Easy Recipes: Learning how to cook Tuna Pilaf with Chef DJ Santos
I recently had the privilege to learn to cook from one of today’s top chefs, Chef DJ Santos. And it’s great, too, because the event was hosted by one of my favorite kitchen…