Food & Easy Recipes
Homecooked meals and blogs about recipes that you can easily recreate for your family.
Chicken Soup with Kale & Chickpeas
We all woke up sick today. Our 5-year old had it since the other day and our 6-year old started coughing on our way home from the South last night. Our eldest also…
Easy Recipes: Homemade Spaghetti Sauce
I’ve been meaning to post something else the past few days but I’ve been physically exhausted lately that my brain just feels too drained to do it. But….I thought while I wait for…
Easy Recipes: No Churn Creamy Vanilla Ice Cream
So where were you last night for Valentine’s? We were home catching up on a Pinoy teleserye on iWantTV and eating our homemade creamy Vanilla Ice Cream. Since Sunday is a work day…
Easy Recipes: Buttered Garlic Mushroom and Leftover Chicken
Today I cooked Buttered garlic mushroom and chicken. I always try to cook just enough of our food and not serve too much that will just end up a waste. I mean, have…
Easy Recipes: Tuna, Mushrooms and Capers Pasta Dish
Do you have a go-to dish you depend on when you’ve got absolutely no time to prepare for guests coming over? I do. I call it Tuna, Mushrooms and Capers Pasta dish, but…